Whistleblower Attorney Taos

We try cases throughout the Taos area, constantly re-evaluating how we can better help our clients. At Moody & Stanford, we have been putting the needs of our clients first for over many years. When working on a new whistleblower case, we devote all resources to offering the best possible representation and counsel.

Taos area companies need to interact with the proper government agencies for permitting or zoning issues. At Moody & Stanford, we can help your business make proper plans and focus on the important aspects of your operations like core competencies. In terms of whistleblower services, our team at Moody & Stanford also advises clients on the best practices. We are knowledgeable of consumer protection and other whistleblower related issues. At Moody & Stanford, we will work hard to make sure your Taos area company does not unknowingly violate subtle, but crucial laws during operations. For many years, we have practiced in Taos area law, and we have seen the headaches this can prevent for many companies.

In categorization, most Taos area businesses fall into either a limited liability or sub S corporation. We at Moody & Stanford know the risks and benefits of these formations and use that whistleblower knowledge in tandem with our clients’ long term goals to suggest their best options. With many years of practice, we bring a wealth of human experience to this decision. Upon your company’s formation in the Taos area, we can help you create sales contracts, employment forms, and other important documentation. We will draft these documents using unambiguous language and with strong whistleblower protections for your company.

Keep your Taos area business protected!
You are a sturdy Taos area businessperson, not a lawyer; however, your business still operates under the hand of Taos area law. Certain legal situations and whistleblower matters can be easily missed, so contact our professional team at Moody & Stanford to ensure your business is sitting sound.

Moody & Stanford

8500 Menaul Blvd.

Albuquerque, NM 87112

(877) 769-9243

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