Sexual Harassment Attorney in Albuquerque
Sexual Harassment Laws
The state’s Human Rights Act protects employees from sexual harassment, which is considered a form of sex discrimination. Sexual harassment includes conduct that affects an individual’s employment, unreasonably interferes with his or her work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. This can include behavior such as:
- Unwelcome sexual advances
- Requests for sexual favors
- Crude language
- The display of sexual graphic materials
- Sexual comments
- Gestures and physical conduct of a sexual nature
A lawyer from Moody & Stanford should be contacted at once if you are being sexually harassed at work. Our firm will conduct a thorough investigation of the situation and pursue any damages that you deserve, including back pay. We are highly experienced in employment law, and will make sure your rights and interests are protected.
Sexual Harassment Claims
Sexual harassment is a form of abuse that is illegal and should never be tolerated. The harassment can come from a co-worker, boss, vendor or client, whether a member of the opposite sex or same-sex. The comments or gestures can be directed to you personally or to another individual that affects you in some way. Employees are protected by law from sex discrimination both in terms of unwanted sexual behavior and sexual advances that can affect your employment status. An example of the latter is an employee who believes he or she will be fired, demoted or retaliated against in some way by a supervisor seeking sexual favors.
Attorneys at our firm have many decades of experience representing clients in sexual harassment cases. We know what steps to take when preparing your case and how to achieve the best possible outcome to a claim. Our firm will provide whatever support and help you need when seeking redress from inappropriate workplace behavior.