Class Action Lawsuit Attorney in Albuquerque

Class-Action Employment Cases

We use the term “class action” generally to mean claims brought under court rules permitting class actions, collective “opt-in” actions, and multiple plaintiff cases. Some of these cases involve the employees at a single location, other times all the employees in a particular job classification across the country are involved. Class-action cases involving discrimination can occur when job applicants or employees are treated differently than other individuals due to their race, gender, national origin, religion, mental or physical disability or age. The discrimination can occur in hiring practices, transfers, demotions, job assignments, terminations, harassment, compensation, benefits and many other employment-related areas.

A group of employees may often be able to achieve more in a class-action lawsuit than they would pursuing the matter as individuals. Our firm has over 50 years of employment law experience and has represented many different employee groups in class-action cases. We are dedicated and resourceful litigators who will vigorously fight for the justice you deserve. This includes cases involving:

  • Sexual harassment
  • Discrimination
  • Hostile work environment
  • Wage and hour violations

Every person in a class-action lawsuit must seek redress of the same type of violation. The court will permit a class-action case when there are so many plaintiffs with similar legal issues that it isn’t practical to have each person file his or her own suit. Class actions can result in either a court judgment or settlement. Our firm can effectively represent all punitive damages and plaintiffs in a lawsuits, and will provide unwavering and committed advocacy throughout your case.

How Moody & Stanford Can Help

If you wish to file a class-action lawsuit against an employer, contact an attorney at Moody & Stanford. We have represented many employees in class-action suits and can provide you with legal advice on how to proceed with your claim.